There are mainly 4 Important aspects you need to know before calculating jntuh percentage using SGPA & CGPA
- 1. Knowing Points for Each Grade
- 2. Semester GPA calculation
- 3. Cumulative GPA calculation
- 4. Finally Percentage Calculation
1. Knowing Grade Points for each Grade
These grade points are essential to consider for each letter grade before performing calculations. If you have the original memo, it already contains the grade points. However, if you only have an online marks memo, you need to check the following information.
% of Marks Secured | Letter Grade | Grade Points |
Greater than or equal to 90% | O (Outstanding) | 10 |
80 and less than 90% | A + (Excellent) | 9 |
70 and less than 80% | A (Very Good) | 8 |
60 and less than 70% | B + (Good) | 7 |
50 and less than 60% | B (Average) | 6 |
40 and less than 50% | C (Pass) | 5 |
Below 40% | F (FAIL) | 0 |
Absent | Ab | 0 |
2. Semester GPA calculation (SGPA)
we need to calculate CREDITS * GRADE POINTS in these step
Example let us consider calculating a semester result
- After calculating each semester from 1st year to 4th year
- Total 8 semesters or 6 semesters if lateral entry
- You will get SGPA for each semester
- Almost completed you just need another step
3. Cumulative GPA calculation (CGPA)
- We just need to calculate total sgpa ex: 1st sem sgpa + 2nd sem sgpa........+8th sem sgpa
- Then finally we need to divide it with total semsters
- If regular divide total with 8
- If lateral entry divide it with 6
Example as given below: